Never keep these items in the house! They attract poverty and bad luck

Home is where we charge ourselves with positive energy.
There are some things we have to take into account because they can act on our psyche, on our state. Such as:

Paintings that have negative depictions
They are said to cause memory disorders, neuroses, and anxiety and hinder our spiritual development.

Objects the color of the earth
Plaster figures and statues
Glass walls and floors
Unwanted gifts
Old and worn-out furniture
The knife
The knife should not be left overnight on the table.

We need to get rid of shoes that are tight, that are worn out.

Objects that benefit us

Crystals regulate energies.

Ficus is a plant that accumulates negative energy in the house, balances, brings harmony, peace and removes stress.

Paintings of old people mean longevity of the house. A painting of a phoenix means rebirth and a peaceful journey through life. A waterfall helps us reach the career we desire. A painting with a rainbow means a beautiful life.

A round glass bowl with money in it


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